Early Childhood Education
At Kindy House Early Learning Centre we have established our own curriculum which reflects Early Years Framework. Listening to each child’s aspirations and curiosities is a vital part of our curriculum and we customise the learning encounters to meet their personal needs and interests.

The Early Years Framework.
The Early Years Framework is designed to ensure that all children experience quality teaching and learning. The framework is focused on play-based learning and inspires conversations and improves communications between children, families and early childhood teachers and educators.
Fundamental to the framework is a view of children’s lives as characterised by belonging, being and becoming.
BELONGING – Experiencing belonging. Belonging acknowledges children’s interdependence with others and the basis of relationships in defining identities.
BEING – Being recognises the significance of the here and now, it is about engaging with life’s joys and complexities and meeting the challenges of everyday life.
BECOMING – Becoming reflects the process of rapid and significant change that occurs in the early years as young children learn and grow, it emphasises learning to participate fully and actively in society.